Our commitment to environmental protection.
To promote our sustainability vision mission we actively engage with stakeholders in many ways including:
- Sustainability awareness training
- Progress updates
- Engagement workshops
- Newsletter articles
As all of our stakeholders contribute to GBA’s carbon footprint we work with them and mutually support each other with the aim of significantly reducing our joint carbon footprints.
As a logistics solution provider, we are aware of our environmental impacts. Our commitment is to deliver logistics solutions and reduce our Scope 1, 2 and 3 Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.
We will invest in changing our truck fleet to integrate vehicles powered by alternative fuels, and will upgrade our sites to be more energy efficient and implement a program of waste reduction.
Scope 1: Covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources.
Scope 2: Covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heating consumed.
Scope 3: Includes all other indirect emissions that occur in our value chain.
We are committed to reducing our fleet CO2 emissions by 50% from a 2020 baseline by 2025.
We will achieve this by continual investment to diversify our fleet to alternative diesel fuel usage, while maintaining strong business growth.
Replacement of diesel fuelled vehicles and safe and efficient training for drivers will also contribute to noise emission reduction and improvements in air quality. All of which will have a positive impact on our communities.
GBA has been using electric vehicles, and Bio-CNG, as well as offering HVO usage to every customer.
HVO is produced from 100% renewable and sustainable raw materials, such as vegetable oils and animal fats.
HVO can be used as a direct replacement for conventional diesel in existing diesel engines without modifications whilst offering up to 90% reduction in emissions.
Bio-CNG is produced from biogas, which is a renewable and sustainable alternative to fossil-based natural gas, with up to 20% reduction in emissions.
Both HVO and Bio-CNG are promising alternatives to traditional fossil fuels, offering significant environmental benefits and supporting the transition to a more sustainable energy future.
We are committed to reduce our sites energy consumption by 25% from a 2021 baseline by 2025.
To achieve this, we pledge to invest in renewable energy provision for our owned and long-term lease sites, and to implement energy efficiencies to reduce energy consumption overall.
We will encourage a culture of sustainable resources management for a reduction of water consumption, and responsible chemical and substance management.
We are committed to reducing our waste to landfill by 70% by 2030 from a 2021 baseline.
To achieve this, we will identify and measure our waste streams from our sites and introduce new recycling services.
We will also focus consumable purchasing priorities on resource circularity to reduce, reuse, repair.
This policy relates to all divisions of GBA Logistics and our operational sites. The aim of this policy is to identify and minimise the significant environmental impacts of our activities.
This policy is communicated internally throughout our organisation and to other interested parties on request and published on our website.