GBA Global Solutions leci wysoko

GBA Global Solutions leci wysoko
Z przyjemnością ogłaszamy nasze nowe partnerstwo i umowę z AJW Group.
Umowa z GBA Global Solutions zmieni krajobraz operacyjny AJW Group. Umowa stanowi znaczącą inwestycję w przyszłość AJW Group, skoncentrowaną na usprawnieniu operacji, redukcji kosztów i wzmocnieniu łańcucha dostaw.
Nowy kontrakt logistyczny stanowi strategiczny kamień milowy w historii AJW Group. W ciągu najbliższych dwóch lat AJW będzie ściśle współpracować z nami w celu wdrożenia innowacyjnego modelu logistycznego, integrując najnowocześniejszą technologię w celu zwiększenia wydajności i płynnego dostosowania się do wysokiego wzrostu.
“W dzisiejszym dynamicznym środowisku lotniczym i biznesowym transformacja AJW Group ma kluczowe znaczenie dla jej sukcesu” – powiedział Barry Swift BEng, MSc, MCIPS, dyrektor operacyjny AJW. “Poprzez proaktywną ponowną ocenę i innowacje w naszych operacjach logistycznych, demonstrujemy nasze zaangażowanie w utrzymanie się w czołówce wydajności operacyjnej”.
Kierując się potrzebą szybszych działań logistycznych i lepszej łączności, strategia AJW zapewnia firmie trwały wzrost i doskonałość operacyjną.
Peter Wilkinson, dyrektor zarządzający GBA Global Solutions, skomentował: “Zespół zarządzający GBA Global Solutions jest zachwycony możliwością wsparcia w uproszczeniu i optymalizacji łańcucha dostaw AJW i z niecierpliwością czeka na dalszą współpracę poprzez rozszerzenie usług logistyki lotniczej, które świadczymy od 5 lat”.
To naprawdę znaczące osiągnięcie i kamień milowy dla zespołu Global Solutions. Dobra robota drużyno!

GBA Logistics Scores Big with Soccer Legend Bastian Schweinsteiger
We're excited to announce the remarkable partnership that transcends the boundaries of sports and logistics - none other than the legendary footballer, Bastian Schweinsteiger.
Bastian is a proud supporter of GBA Logistics. Our Managing Director in Austria, Alex Huebschmann, shares a longstanding friendship with Bastian, and their camaraderie is also extended into the professional world.
Bastian Schweinsteiger, often hailed as one of the greatest football players the world has ever seen, has not only dazzled fans on the field but has also demonstrated his commitment to compassion off the pitch. His involvement in charity events has been nothing short of extraordinary, where he actively contributes to raising funds for children battling cancer.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to Bastian Schweinsteiger for his support, proving once again that teamwork extends far beyond the soccer field. Together, GBA Logistics and Bastian are geared up to tackle challenges, score goals, and make a lasting impact in the world, one delivery at a time.
GBA – Working together
Our European Strategy Manager, Maik Maertens recently spent some time visiting our offices in Poland (Warsaw and Wroclaw).
Maik states “I was very impressed by the strong team spirit at both locations and the new foosball table in Warsaw provided lots of mental refreshment and teamwork between departments.”
He continues with “The sense of commitment and dedication from the offices really shows as they live our company values. And here is a quote from one of our newest team members, Artur:
“Here at GBA Wroclaw, I could work happy until I retire.”
Happy 6-year anniversary to our Portugal office

Happy 6-year anniversary to our GBA Portugal office.
The team have grown from strength to strength and are here to help you streamline your supply chain with smart, effective, and affordable solutions.
GBA business highlights from the last 35 years

GBA business highlights from the last 35 years.
For more than 35 years GBA Logistics has been focused on the safe and timely transportation of goods. Some highlights from our history include:
– 1987 GBA was established in North-West UK
– 2013 GBA Global – Air and Ocean
– 2019 GBA Skyways launched at Luton HQ
– 2022 GBA was awarded a Silver Sustainability Rating by EcoVadis
We take care of our customers; we take care of their goods and through our passion for sustainable practices we take care of the environment.
GBA awarded Silver Sustainability Rating

GBA awarded Silver Sustainability Rating.
We are delighted to have been awarded a Silver Sustainability Rating by EcoVadis for our work towards more sustainable practices at GBA Logistics.
Deena Hamilton, Head of Sustainability, comments:
“Late in 2022, GBA Logistics participated in our first EcoVadis assessment and are very proud to have received the prestigious EcoVadis Sustainability Silver Medal in recognition of the continuing action being made by the business towards our sustainability performance and goals.”
This accolade further inspires us on our mission of ‘driving towards a sustainable future’, working together with our GBA colleagues, and likeminded suppliers, partners, and customers.
Celebrating the Coronation

Celebrating the Coronation.
Along with our customers, colleagues, and families, GBA Logistics would like to congratulate His Majesty King Charles III on his coronation. Let’s celebrate this special occasion together.
GBA Leadership and Management Programme

GBA Leadership and Management Programme.
It was with great pleasure and excitement that earlier this year we launched our ‘Leadership and Management Programme’ aimed at supporting and inspiring our leaders of today and tomorrow.
We recognise how effective leadership and management is crucial in achieving individual, business unit and organised success.
Working closely with the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), GBA are delivering a programme which promotes and develops leadership and management behaviours and skills in many critical areas.
Driver's Representative Meetings

Driver's Representative Meetings.
GBA hosts regular Driver’s Representative Meetings at the various GBA offices in the UK which focus on gathering valuable feedback from drivers.
These meetings are essential for improving efficiency, productivity, service and support for our drivers.
GBA's Ranking in Motor Transport Magazine's Top 100

GBA's Ranking in Motor Transport Magazine's Top 100.
Late in 2022, GBA were featured in the Motor Transport Top 100 and were overall ranked as the 47th largest UK road transport and warehousing operator. We were also ranked:
- 1st in our segment for ‘growth in profit’
- 3rd in our segment for ‘sales per employee’
- 8th in our segment for ‘return on capital’
This is all thanks to the work of our dedicated GBA Family.
To find out more visit: Motor Transport Top 100 2022 | Motor Transport